
Pentecost Sunday, Year C
Scripture: John 14:8-17 (25-27)

In today’s Gospel passage we find Jesus gently preparing his disciples for the coming of the Advocate who will continue the teaching Jesus has begun and reminding them of all they had done together. In today’s passage from Acts the disciples are waiting huddled in the upper room fearing that the authorities would come and get them before the Advocate showed up. What might they have been expecting? Sure enough, God remains true to form: God is a surprise. What they get is a wind that blows into the room, chases away the cobwebs of fuzzy thinking, and fills the disciples with fire. How is that same wind blowing in our lives as we look at the work we have been given to do?

Download the Lesson Plans for Pentecost Sunday

LPTW Pentecost, Year C, Younger Childen
LPTW Pentecost, Year C, Older Children
LPTW Pentecost, Year C, Adult
LPTW Pentecost, Year C, All

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