Proclaim and Give Praise

Second Sunday after Christmas, Year A
Scripture: Jeremiah 31:7-14

We now celebrate the birth of Christ and the light of the world that has come into our lives.  We have heard of the salvation that Jesus is bringing us and revel in the stories of hope and joy that the prophets share with us.  During this time of year, it is important to help the families of our community remember the focus of this season, the birth of Christ.  Especially with children, the emphasis that Christmas isn’t just one day is a very important message to hear.  Encourage families to celebrate the 12 days of Christmas by putting aside their errands – to take time to tell stories, play games, call on friends and family and enjoy the light of Christ that has come into the world for all of us.

Download the Lesson Plan for the Second Sunday After Christmas

LPTW Christmas 2, Year A, Younger Children, Old Testament
LPTW Christmas 2, Year A, Older Children, Old Testament

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