Prophets Bring Hope

Fifth Sunday in Lent, Old Testament Lesson, Year A
Scripture: Ezekiel 37:1-14

Living in Babylon during the time of the Exile, Ezekiel’s visions and prophecies gave his fellow Israelites encouragement and support. He put the events of destruction and capture in a theological context, assured the people that God was still with them, and provided hope for return and restoration. The Book of Ezekiel is noted for its thorough chronological notations, vivid imagery, and beautiful prose and poetry. The Lectionary reading of Ezekiel connects to the Baptismal Rite’s forgiveness of sins and new life through baptism. “Heavenly Father we thank you that by water and the Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon these your servants the forgiveness of sin, and raised them to the new life of grace.” [Book of Common Prayer, p. 308]

Download the Old Testament Lesson Plan for the Fifth Sunday in Lent

LPTW Lent 5, Year A, Younger Children, Old Testament
LPTW Lent 5, Year A, Older Children, Old Testament

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