The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost Sunday, Old Testament Lesson, Year A
Scripture: Acts 2:1-21

Most biblical scholars agree The Book of Acts is a continuation of the Gospel of Luke. This book contains the stories of the early church and the work of the disciples. Today’s lesson is the Pentecost story, the second most important feast of the church after Easter. Following the instructions of Jesus, the disciples are waiting together in Jerusalem. Jesus had promised to send His Spirit to be with them. The Spirit entered the room like a mighty rush of wind and settled like a tongue of fire on the head of each disciple. This was the gift of encouragement and boldness the apostles needed to begin their mission of evangelism. Pentecost is considered the birthday of the church because three thousand new souls accepted Jesus as their savior that day.

Download the Old Testament Lesson Plan for Pentecost Sunday

LPTW Pentecost, Year A, Younger Children, Old Testament
LPTW Pentecost, Year A, Older Children, Old Testament

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