Wheat and Weeds

Proper 11, Year A
Scripture: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Jesus continues to engage in parables as he explores what the kingdom of God is like. The Gospel lesson for today focuses on the empire vs. God. The key message is that we are not to be the ones judging, but that it is God’s judgment in the end that matters. We are to let things grow as they will and God will sort it out in the end. In our lesson today we will focus on the first part of the Gospel lesson and let the children engage in thinking about what it means rather than listening to Jesus’ explanation that was given to the disciples. You can understand Jesus’ point without having to get into end-times language.

Download the Lesson Plan for Proper 11, Year A

LPTW Proper 11, Year A, Younger Children
LPTW Proper 11, Year A, Older Children
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