Being Fed and Feeding Others

Proper 13, Year A
Scripture: Matthew 14:13-21

Today’s Gospel lesson is one version of the well-known story about the feeding of the 5,000. It is so well known, we may not pay attention to it, but we have much to learn from it. The feeding of the 5,000 is more than a story about fishes and loaves. It is about Jesus’ compassion. It is about Jesus teaching the disciples how to feed people. It is about the generosity sharing what was there and being overwhelmed with the abundance. It is a foreshadowing of the last supper where Jesus also takes bread, breaks it, and shares it.  What can we learn anew from this well-known story? Where can we feed others and where are we being fed?

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LPTW Proper 13, Year A, Older Children
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