Lifelong Faith Journey

Proper 13, Year A, Old Testament Lesson
Scripture: Genesis 32:22-31

The Book of Genesis provides the foundational stories of our faith, God’s calling of a people, their often failed responses to God, and God’s steadfast love throughout. The Abraham Saga tells of the formation of Israel, beginning with the faithfulness of its patriarch Abraham. Although disillusioned with the wickedness of men, God separates out one family line to bring divine blessing to all subsequent families of the world. Abraham, the model of absolute faithfulness, trust, and obedience is symbolic of Israel’s idealized self. At the request of God, Abraham has left his homeland to travel to a promised land. God promises an heir even though Abraham and his wife Sarah are long past childbearing age. Sarah gives birth to Isaac. Isaac marries Rebekah who gives birth to twins, Esau and Jacob. Jacob has tricked his brother Esau out of his birthright, and blessing. Jacob left home to escape his bother and to find a wife. After working for his uncle Laban for twenty years, Jacob, all his livestock and property, his two wives and 11 children set out to return to his homeland. On the way, Jacob would like to make peace with Esau. Hoping to appease his brother, Jacob sends servants ahead with large gifts of herds. A messenger returns with the news that Esau, accompanied by four hundred men, is coming to meet Jacob. Fearing the worst, Jacob divides his flocks and people into two companies, so that if harm comes to the first, he will at least still have the second. That night Jacob sends his two wives, their maids, all the children and everything he owns across a stream for safety. Jacob waits alone through the night. The place name of Peniel is explained. The injury to Jacob is the reason certain cuts of meat are not eaten. Jacob’s new name signifies a new self. Jacob the supplanter becomes Israel, which probably means God rules. (According to the Oxford Annotated Bible, 1977.)

Download the Old Testament Lesson for Proper 13

LPTW Proper 13, Year A, Younger Children, Old Testament
LPTW Proper 13, Year A, Older Children, Old Testament

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