Words from our Heart

Proper 15, Year A
Scripture: Matthew 15:10-28

As we continue the journey with Jesus and the disciples, we first get a lesson about what is clean and unclean. Jesus’ words are important for us all to remember – that our words come from our heart and what comes from our mouths speaks of who we are and our intentions. Following this parable, Jesus encounters a woman from Tyre and Sidon who had somehow heard of his teaching and healing. She comes to him, speaking words from her heart, showing Jesus that she truly believes even though she is not from Israel. He heals her because of her deep faith.

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LPTW Proper 15, Year A, Younger Children
LPTW Proper 15, Year A, Older Children
LPTW Proper 15, Year A, Adult
LPTW Proper 15, Year A, All

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