Passover Meal

Proper 18, Year A, Old Testament Lesson
Scripture: Exodus 12:1-14

This story is interjected in the story of the plagues that were brought upon the Pharaoh and Egypt as God sent Moses to free the Israelite slaves.  In this story, we hear of a ritualized meal and practice that begins the commemoration of the saving events of God.  The details that are described signal to us that a new thing is beginning and the old is being left behind.  A new calendar is started, the food that is used is all new, nothing from the previous year will be used and the people are to prepare for their new beginning by wearing cloaks and shoes as to be ready for their journey.

This meal not only signals the new, but puts ritual to something that God is doing for the people so they can remember it each year.  This is one of the most significant rituals that is done each year by Jewish Families and some Christian Families.

Download the Old Testament Lesson Plan for Proper 18

LPTW Proper 18, Year A, Younger Children, Old Testament
LPTW Proper 18, Year A, Older Children, Old Testament

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