The Prophetic Voice

Forth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B
Scripture: Mark 1:21-28

Throughout the season of Epiphany, we follow Jesus’ early ministry and calling of his disciples to be teachers, healers, leaders, and prophets proclaiming the Kingdom of God. In today’s Gospel, we hear the story of Jesus healing a man possessed by demons. This is the first miracle story in the Gospel of Mark.

Note: This is the fourth in a four-part series on The Episcopal Church’s refugee resettlement program, Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM). Today’s lesson asks us to reflect on Jesus’ miracles of healing, its relationship to the Jewish-Christian prophetic tradition, and what it means to nurture a healing or prophetic presence in our own day.

Download the Lesson Plan for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

4 Epiphany, Year B, Young Children
4 Epiphany, Year B, Older Children
4 Epiphany, Year B, Adults
4 Epiphany, Year B, Lesson for All

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