Prayer and Action

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany, Year B
Scripture: Mark 1:29-39

A rhythm is surfacing. Out to teach or to heal – then in to pray and listen. Jesus goes to Simon’s house after the first teaching in the synagogue to find Simon’s mother-in-law ill. He takes her by the hand and helps her up. Right back into the kitchen she goes to cook supper. By evening, the whole town was crowding around – many in need of healing, and most were healed. Jesus gets a little rest and then long before dawn goes inward – to a lonely place to pray. We see the balance in which he lives.

Download the lesson plans for the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

LPTW Epiphany 5, Year B, Younger Children
LPTW Epiphany 5, Year B, Older Children
LPTW Epiphany 5, Year B, Adults
LPTW Epiphany 5, Year B, All

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