Cleaning the Temple

Third Sunday in Lent, Year B
Scripture: John 2:13-22

Events teach. Often the learning comes after the event. Jesus teaches with elements that have immediate impact as well as lingering meaning. And they usually land well outside the expected. So, with Passover looming, Jesus goes into the busy temple and proceeds to clean house. “Take these things out of here!” he demands of the money changers, the animal merchants – even those who sold doves. Then he announces: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” A temple that took 46 years to build? Could he mean the temple God has been building since the beginning of time? What “things” need to be removed from our own personal temples?

Download the Lesson Plans for the Third Sunday in Lent

LPTW Lent 3, Year B, Younger Children
LPTW Lent 3, Year B, Older Children
LPTW Lent 3, Year B, Adults
LPTW Lent 3, Year B, All

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