Come to the Light

Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year B
Scripture: John 3:14-21

Jesus patiently prepares his followers for what is to come. Jesus is to be “lifted up” so that he may then lift up all of us. The light has come into the world – a light some will seek at all costs. For others, the darkness is preferable to the penetrating brightness of the light. God reaches out to all of us, sending the Son into the world so that all might be saved through him. We do not know what the disciples made of this revelation. Our concern is what we make of it and what re-alignment we may be called to make.

Download the lesson plans for the Fourth Sunday in Lent

LPTW Lent 4, Year B, Younger Children
LPTW Lent 4, Year B, Older Children
LPTW Lent 4, Year B, Adults
LPTW Lent 4, Year B, All

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