We Are Easter People

Easter, Year B

Scripture: John 20:1-18

This is John’s account of the resurrection, where Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb by herself and finds that the stone in front of the tomb had been moved. She runs to get Simon Peter and the beloved disciple who go inside the tomb to find the wrappings that were on Jesus’ body were still there, but Jesus was gone. The disciples return to where they are staying and Mary is standing outside the tomb crying when she is asked by angels, “woman, why are you crying?” She explains, only to have Jesus (who she does not recognize) ask her the same question. Jesus answers her by simply saying her name, which causes her to recognize him. Jesus tells her to go spread the news that he has risen and will be ascending to the Father.

Download the Lesson Plan for Easter

LPTW Easter, Year B, Younger and Older Children

Note: Many churches do not hold regular classes on Easter. If, however, you meet with the children we suggest this modified plan. No session for adults is offered on the assumption that any time after the service would be spent identifying people who are not regular members and extending hospitality to them as well as time spent celebrating Easter.

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