“Eat Low Carbon” Quiz

“Eating is an environmental act. No matter how insulated we might be in office cubicles and urban streets, no matter how little time we spend outdoors, each and every one of us is tied to the earth by the food we eat. The simple act of breaking bread together in church could link us to erosion problems on a wheat farm in the Midwest or pesticide poisoning among grape farmers in Chile. A quick pick-up from a fast food restaurant can put us in touch with the shrinking number of potato varieties grown in the U.S. and the excess manure produced by a factory farm. Every time we buy food, we participate in environmental degradation or support practices that sustain God’s creation or, perhaps, we do some of each.”

Just Eating: Practicing our Faith at the Table by Jennifer Halteman Schrock, M.Div

Every Friday during these 30 Days of Actions, we invite you to explore how the growing and sharing of food in your family, community and culture bring you closer God’s invitation to all of us to “till and keep” the earth.

Take the “Eat Low Carbon” Quiz – http://www.eatlowcarbon.org/ .

The food system is responsible for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Learn how to reduce your carbon “foodprint.”

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