What Does it Take to Get Into the Kingdom?

Season after Pentecost, Ordinary Time, Proper 23, Year B
Scripture: Mark 10:17-31

What does it take to get in? That’s the question that Jesus is asked. Jesus answers the question that is not asked and offers a very different way of being. The commandments of old are valid but insufficient. The way we’ve always done it is not working. What in the world would be an entrance requirement for a way of life you have already begun? What if it is not about getting in but about noticing that you are already in?

Download the lesson plans for Proper 23

LPTW Proper 23, Year B, Younger Children
LPTW Proper 23, Year B, Older Children
LPTW Proper 23, Year B, Adults
LPTW Proper 23, Year B, All

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