Boy in the Temple

Second Sunday after Christmas, Year C

Scripture: Luke 2:41-52

A day back from the annual trip to Jerusalem for Passover, Joseph and Mary check with their extended family. Suddenly they realize that their young son, Jesus, is not with any of them. They race back to Jerusalem, frantically searching for the 12 year-old. Three days and unimaginable stress later they find him sitting in the Temple learning from the teachers. He is un-phased by their universal parental response of relief mixed with fury. “Didn’t you know I would be in my Father’s house?” asked Jesus. Yes, Mary had much to hold in her heart.

Download the lesson plans for the Second Sunday after Christmas

LPTW Christmas 2, Year C, Younger Children
LPTW Christmas 2, Year C, Older Children
LPTW Christmas 2, Year C, Adults
LPTW Christmas 2, Year C, All

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