The Word Became Flesh

First Sunday after Christmas, Year C

Scripture: John 1:1-18

Here we have Salvation history in a nutshell. In the beginning was the “Word.” Word as verb: moving, creating, redeeming. Word: creating since the beginning, now here as an infant. The prophets proclaimed this would happen, right through to the last of the prophets: John the Baptist. We have the law, thanks to Moses. Now we receive grace and truth through Jesus, the only Son. He is the Light; the Light that no darkness can extinguish dawns on. Now we are invited to decide who is this child for us?

Download the lesson plans for the First Sunday after Christmas

LPTW Christmas 1, Year C, Younger Children
LPTW Christmas 1, Year C, Older Children
LPTW Christmas 1, Year C, Adults
LPTW Christmas 1, Year C, All

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