I Have Called You by Name, You are Mine

First Sunday after the Epiphany
Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-7

This passage from “Second Isaiah” was written during the Babylonian Exile, just as the possibility for return to their homeland was first appearing. The words are meant to be comforting and to provide reassurance that God is still with them and things will get better. Through Isaiah, God reminds the people of God’s constant presence and care, even when the people have strayed and disobeyed. Since this might be a day for Baptisms, one may also make the connection to our own living in covenant with God and God’s continued presence in our lives and those of the baptismal candidates.

Download the lesson plans for the First Sunday after the Epiphany

LPTW Epiphany 1, Year C, Old Testament, Younger Children
LPTW Epiphany 1, Year C, Old Testament, Older Children

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