God Speaks in the Silence

Ordinary Time, Proper 7, Year C, Old Testament Lesson
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a

Our lectionary this week is a bit of a “back to the future” trip with this section of Kings coming before the lesson we heard last week about Jezebel having Raboth killed to give Ahab the vineyard. Here we encounter Elijah just as he is run out of the kingdom by Jezebel who is murderously angry after Elijah has banished the gods of Baal by having “fire rain down” upon them resulting in the death of all of the false prophets. Elijah is afraid that Jezebel will kill him and while in the wilderness even wonders if he will survive this trial. God sends angels to wait on Elijah before calling him to Mt. Horeb to meet God. In this passage we hear about a time when God got quiet to say something really important. This passage reminds us that God will speak to us – if we are open to waiting for the quiet times.

Download the lesson plans for Proper 7

LPTW Proper 7, Year C, Old Testament, Younger Children
LPTW Proper 7, Year C, Old Testament, Older Children

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