Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

Easter, Year B, Acts Lesson Plan

Scripture: Acts 10:34-43

During Eastertide, the Old Testament readings are replaced in the lectionary with passages from the book of Acts. Today’s passage is obvious and straightforward. Peter, who has been invited to the home of a Roman Centurion, named Cornelius, to proclaim the Good News. Before our excerpt for today begins, Peter arrives at Cornelius’ home and Cornelius falls to the ground, worshipping Peter. Peter tell him to get up and explains that he is only a human. Peter then asks why Cornelius has sent for him. Peter says that in the past he would not have come to speak to Cornelius and his compatriots because he would have considered Gentiles to be unclean. But God has opened Peter’s eyes to see that the Gospel of Jesus is for all people in all the world. Cornelius explains that he say in a dream that he should invite Peter to preach the Good News, so he has gathered his friends and is anxious to hear the story of Jesus. In this passage Peter literally tells the Good News of Christ Jesus from the baptism of John to the resurrection and forgiveness of sin.

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LPTW Easter, Year B, Acts, Younger Children
LPTW Easter, Year B, Acts, Older Children

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