Grief and Graduation – How to grieve what is being missed and host a service honoring the graduates.
Adopt a Senior – Create a list by zip code, share and have people “adopt”
one of them, send cookies, or party packs. Send cards.
Online, virtual worship like a Baccalaureate – Invite parents to send in videos of their seniors, and play them at the end of a Virtual Service. Invite the seniors to share stories, give the sermon, etc.
Senior Whine and Wail – Hosing a time online for seniors to vent, whine and wail, and then celebrate what they have accomplished, turning lament into celebration.
Wait – Do something in person later so they can share the celebration with others.
Special Camp for Seniors – Having a special time at camp for seniors either in a virtual or in a day camp.
Photography Session – With the help of a professional who could guide, through FaceTime, parents can take professional quality pictures of their senior. Alternatively, send a professional photographer to the home and take “porch pictures”.
Drive-in Celebration – Drive in movie type of celebration where a stage is set up in front and the “audience” are in their cars.
Drive-Thru Celebration – Create a drive-thru celebration and picture opportunity. In keeping with physical distancing measures, seniors (and their families) are invited to drive their car to join a celebration. One at a time, as your vehicle reaches the front of the line the senior may exit the car, pick up their diploma/prayer offering/gift, pose for a photo, receive a prayer from the minister, proceed on an individual senior walk to the photographer’s area. The graduate then returns to their vehicle.
Create Party packs that can be delivered to senior’s houses.
Virtual Sr. Dinner with special speaker – Host an online Sr. Dinner (either by having the families provide their own dinner by having food delivered to their houses) and invite the seniors and their parents to a special program with a speaker that would be meaningful to the graduates.