Stations of the Cross is a devotion that is widely observed by pilgrims to Jerusalem. It is an offering of prayer and reading at that mark the story of Jesus’ passion and death. Since many of us cannot walk the Stations of the Cross in our communities, we wanted to offer some online options that are appropriate for all ages. We encourage you to do this at home or online with friends.
Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) has created a digital download booklet and compilation of audio meditations. We are releasing individual written and audio reflections on each station of the cross weekly on Wednesdays, Ash Wednesday through April 1, then shifting to a daily release through Good Friday.
EMM reflection authors represent a wide variety of experiences and backgrounds; each offers a poignant reflection on a Station and its relevance to migration and what it means to welcome the stranger as we would welcome Christ. Each reflection calls us back to our essential identity as beloved children of God and asks us to prayerfully reflect on the meaning of the Cross in a world being transformed by migration.
Grace Episcopal Church in Madison, NJ offers intergenerational stations of the cross with pictures created by the congregation depicting each station and prayers that accompany them.
The Diocese of Texas offers a video read by children for families to watch at home.
Busted Halo has a series of videos, one for each station, that are set to music. For non-readers, you would want someone to read the text aloud as the video plays.
The Episcopal Church of the Annunciation in Lewisville, TX offers a guide, with icons, readings, and prayers.
St. Peter’s on the Green in Monroe, CT offers a visual walk through the stations as well as a downloadable PDF.
Church of St. Matthew and St. Timothy has a video stations of the cross in both English and Spanish.
Trinity Church, Nevada City, CA offers a video with readings, pictures and song.
Do you have another online stations of the cross to add? Please email The Rev. Shannon Kelly.